
Literary, cultural, and artistic journals form an integral part of this website and of the Dialectics of Modernity project.

Journals, in particular, provide fora for discussing topical aesthetic and political matters concerning the development and construction of the ‘system of the arts’ during the Italian Fascist regime.

In this specific section of the website, you will find information on a set of journals, which played a pivotal role in shaping the artistic, literary and cultural fields of 1920s and 1930s Italy, by hosting contributions spanning issues, such as State art, realism and the novel, shapes of new aesthetic landscapes, interconnections between the avant-gardes and the political sphere.

We have selected the specific journals to be included in the database according to the criteria of ‘eccentricity’ and of ‘eclecticism’. In doing so, we have privileged those outlets, which not only debated the arts as such but also the politics of the arts from an oblique angle in order to argue for a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between modernity and modernization in terms of mutually influencing moments as well as paradoxical counterparts.

In other words, our main question as far as journals are concerned is:

  • How, and to what extent, did modernist aesthetics, debated and shaped in literary journals, interact with the official Fascist political project in order to foster social modernization and cultural modernity?

The journals

±2000 Artecrazia Corrente di Vita Giovanile Dinamo futurista Futurismo I lupi Il Saggiatore La Ruota Dentata L'Interplanetario Noi Nuovo futurismo Occidente Orpheus Quadrante Sant'Elia